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10th Anniversary Celebration Events and Sponsorships

It is time to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Commissioning of the USS Fort Worth while remembering and honoring the lives lost on September 11, 2001.

We hope you will join us for various events while Commander Petersen and members of the crew are in town. They will be attending various events and we need event sponsors and in-kind donors alike to help make this visit a success.

Fort Worth is such a generous community. We know you will help make this visit a success for the crew members and the citizens of Fort Worth.

Tentative Schedule of Events

Saturday, September 10

Crew arrives

Attends TCU v. Tarleton State tailgate and game

Sunday, September 11

9 AM -- 9/11 Memorial Ceremonies

5 PM -- 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Commissioning

Monday, September 12

9 AM -- Visit with Navy ROTC students, Fort Worth school district

Noon -- Lunch

1:30 PM -- Visit with veterans experiencing homelessness

4 PM -- Happy Hour hosted by the Rotary Club of Fort Worth, The Capital Grille

6:30 PM -- Committee members to take Cmdr. Petersen to dinner

6:30 PM -- Committee members to take the crew to dinner

Tuesday, September 13

9 AM -- Breakfast

Noon -- Depart for the airport

Join us as a Sponsor or Get Your Event Ticket

We are looking for In-Kind Donations as well:

AIR B&B -- The crew needs somewhere to stay -- do you have a house we can use?

AA Airline Miles -- We are working to get flights donated, but if you have some extra AA miles you would like to contribute to a good cause, we can put them to good use!

Gas Cards -- We all know gas is expensive -- if you have an extra gas card, send that our way.

Lunch on Monday -- In between the ROTC event and Visiting with Veterans Facing Homelessness we are going to need to feed the crew -- if you have a great lunch place or want to provide a picnic basket, let us know.

Dinner for the Commander -- On Monday, after the Happy Hour, we will need some folks to take Commander Petersen out to dinner.

Dinner for the Crew -- Want to take the crew out to dinner or invite them to your house for a home-cooked meal? We need to feed them Monday night after the Happy Hour with Rotary.

Finally, don't forget to RENEW YOUR DUES! We know that the ship is facing decommissioning, but we are going to continue our support until that official day occurs. For now, your support keeps the committee moving forward and lets us support the work the sailors are doing through annual recognition, trips to Fort Worth, care packages, and education and scholarships.

Thank you for your generosity and for all you do to Support The Fort!


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